Tamra Noe

Tamra Noe
Tamra Noe is the Chief Administrative Officer at Teslar Software, a provider of lending process automation tools for community financial institutions. In this role, Tamra develops people and talent strategy in support of the company’s mission, vision, and core values. She also oversees human resources, talent management, employee benefits, and organizational culture. Prior to joining Teslar Software, Tamra spent 22 years in banking, working in various leadership roles executing strategy, advising, mentoring, and driving HR digital transformation initiatives. She currently resides in Prairie Grove, AR with her husband and two children and loves traveling, music, and time with family and friends.
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Recent Posts

Celebrating Our Amazing Team: Employee Appreciation Event and Sweet 16 Celebration

We recently hosted an unforgettable employee appreciation event to express our gratitude to our incredible team. This special occasion was also a celebration of Teslar Software turning 16 – Happy Sweet 16 to us!

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The Intersection of Innovation and People Strategy to Achieve Business Goals

Banks are not just competing with other banks anymore. It is hard to even know who our competitors are when the landscape is rapidly changing, and customer expectations are being based on experiences from other industries – Amazon, Spotify, Walmart, and Chick-fil-A to name a few.

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