Bethany Wood

Bethany Wood
Bethany Wood is a Marketing Specialist at Teslar Software, a provider of lending process automation tools for community financial institutions. In this role, Bethany is responsible for designing, creating, implementing, and monitoring marketing programs and strategies across multiple platforms to help support company growth, market position, and brand awareness. Prior to joining the team, Bethany worked in church ministry serving as Communications Director as well as roles in leadership, administration and finance, and media. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Arkansas. Outside of Teslar, Bethany enjoys movie night with her daughters, eclectic décor and vinyl records, planning her next home renovation project, and reading.

Recent Posts

Covenant Tracking

Teslar tracks each exception at the borrower level while keeping it tied to the accounts that have those requirements. See how we will improve your exceptions/covenant/tickler tracking within this one-page document.

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Internal Loan Review

Our innovative internal loan review solution will ensure that your review process remains consistent and trackable across your entire organization. See how in this one-page document.

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Construction Management

Teslar's Construction Inspection/Draw System makes managing construction projects easier than ever. Download our one-page document to learn how.

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BI & Analytics/Advanced Reporting

Empower your team, from Tellers to CLOs, to get to the data they need right now, not tomorrow. See how by downloading this one-page document.

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Portfolio Management

Teslar provides an intuitive and efficient means to manage potential risks in your loan portfolio. Check out this one-page document to see how.

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Workflow & Forms Automation

Teslar's powerful workflow engine will streamline your processes and allow for a higher level of efficiency and transparency. Download this document to learn more.

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Harnessing Technology to Empower Your Staff

The Great Resignation is lingering longer than many anticipated, leaving financial institutions with many roles to fill and duties to reallocate. In this Dialogue on Demand session, we discuss the benefits of utilizing technology to optimize margins and operate more efficiently with less staff.

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Performance Scorecards

With over 200 calculated fields on every lender for every COB, Teslar will help you build a scorecard that fits your group. Learn more about our Performance Scorecards module within this document.

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Special Assets System

Criticized, Special, Troubled or Problem assets. We all have different names for them, but you still need a way to manage them. Download this document and see how this module will help.

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Transforming Commercial Lending: How to Power Personal, Digital Experiences at Scale

Discover how community banks can transform the borrower experience for commercial and SBA lending without sacrificing personal connections with your high value borrowers.

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