Loan Origination System

Effortlessly manage your loan lifecycle from initial contact to closing, and loan servicing. Check out this one-page document to learn more.

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Secure Document Upload (Teslar Unite Lite)

Provide an extra layer of safety and security, while making the document gathering easier than ever. Use Teslar Unite Lite to securely receive documents directly from your website, with virus scanning and customizable restrictions. View this info sheet to learn the details.

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Customer Portal (Teslar Unite)

Streamline loan origination for the front and back end. Give your borrowers a hub to see 24/7 visibility into the lending process, upload documents, & apply for loans/renewals, and more. View this one-page document for more details.

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Effortlessly manage your loan lifecycle from initial contact to closing, get a comprehensive view of your pipeline. Check out this one-page document to see how.

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Community Connect

Teslar's Community Connect platform makes it easy for banks to extend their presence in the community, drive more loans, & grow their customer base with minimal work. View this one-page document to learn more.

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Annual Loan Review

Teslar simplifies loan management by automating annual loan reviews and their assignment. The platform streamlines communication, sets deliverables and due dates, and routes completed forms for approval. Check out our one-page document to learn more.

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Deposit Operations

Learn more about how Teslar automates your retail business functions.

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Exceptions/Tickler Tracking

Teslar tracks each technical exception at the borrower level while keeping it tied to the accounts that have those requirements. See how we will improve your exceptions/covenant/tickler tracking within this one-page document.

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Teslar Software Overview

Learn how we are empowering community bankers through our software as a service solution.

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Covenant Tracking

Teslar tracks each exception at the borrower level while keeping it tied to the accounts that have those requirements. See how we will improve your exceptions/covenant/tickler tracking within this one-page document.

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