A Digital Detox to Prevent Burnout

Summer will be ending in just a few short weeks and perhaps the craziest, scariest, most uncertain school year of our lifetime will begin, affecting not just school-aged children and their families, but employers, coworkers, friends, relatives, everybody. While the whens and hows are still up in the air, it is for certain that school will resume next month one way or another.

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Infographic: Keeping Your Digital Life Secure During COVID-19

No matter the year, month, or season, no matter the state of current affairs-- cybersecurity is important! In fact, scams have been on the rise since the COVID-19 pandemic left the world on lockdown (read more on these scams here), so there’s no better time to double check your security measures. Check out our infographic below as we share some wisdom on secure passwords from Teslar’s VP of Support, Chris Whittle.

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Teslar Software: Second Quarter in Review


What a whirlwind second quarter we just finished! This time last year (heck, even Q1 2020), we could never had envisioned all the excitement and busyness of these past three months. With COVID-19 reaching pandemic level shortly after the start of Q2, we’ve changed our structures and routines a bit, tried our hand at remote training, seen great milestones accomplished, and created three new products.

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Lessons Learned From a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed nearly every facet of American day-to-day life to where most citizens do not see our daily routines ever returning to what we once considered “normal.” When we say every facet, we mean every facet. Mental, physical, familial, financial, personal, and professional. A lot of the effects we’ve felt from the pandemic have been less than savory, but this pandemic is also changing some things for the better. Below are just a few life lessons many Americans have learned from this pandemic (so far) regarding banking and finances.

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The Push Against Cashless Stores

Prior the coronavirus outbreak, there was a growing rate of stores and businesses no longer accepting cash. While this may seem like a natural progression as technology and digital banking grow, this cashless model was actually met with a lot of backlash. Just six months ago in January 2020 (which may feel like years to many of us), New York passed a bill banning businesses from rejecting cash payments nearly unanimously.

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REGISTER TODAY: Are You Still Using Excel to Manage Deposit Exceptions?

Join us for a quick 30-minute webinar to learn how to increase visibility into deposit exceptions on a regional, branch, and individual level and to empower your FSR's or CSR's. 

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Why Aren't We Seeing More Bankruptcies?

Big bankruptcies have been trickling in this year as the US continues to navigate through the coronavirus pandemic. Many of these companies filing for bankruptcy have been, unsurprisingly, airline and travel companies, and now we are seeing more and more big names like J. Crew and J.C. Penney added the list. “In May alone, some 27 companies reporting at least $50 million in liabilities sought court protection from creditors -- the highest number since the Great Recession,” reports Bloomberg.

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Collaboration to Help All Small Businesses with PPP Forgiveness

Mark Cuban, Citizens Bank of Edmond and Teslar Software Team Up to

Help All Small Businesses with PPP Forgiveness

Group collaborates to launch free website that simplifies and streamlines PPP forgiveness for small businesses, regardless of lender

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Teslar PPP Forgiveness Solution

Community Banks Manage PPP Loan Forgiveness with Teslar Software

Embedded solution available to streamline and automate loan forgiveness;

helps small businesses calculate their options today  

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The Problem with Big Banks’ Recent Deposit Growth

The largest banks in the United States have recently reported exceptional growth in the past months. The ten largest U.S. banks grew in asset size by more than $1.2 trillion in Q1 of 2020. 20 percent of this growth alone ($273 billion in new deposits) came from JPMorgan, placing it as the first bank in the U.S. with $3 trillion in assets.1 

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