A Pandemic Economy: Fearing the Unknown

Travel bans are in place, schools are closed, sport activities have been cancelled. Large parts of the economy have been shut down, and it came as a complete shock to many people. The fear of the unknown is driving a lot of these shifts, but Senior Fellow at the Harvard Global Health Institute, Olga Jonas, a pandemic economist, says everything happening so far is as anticipated.

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Welcome Our New Client Advocates to the Team!

Please join us in welcoming Cecilia, Shelly, Leona, and Christopher to our Client Success team as our newest Client Advocates!

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Bank of Zachary Selects Teslar Software

Bank of Zachary Partners with Teslar Software to Grow Commercial Lending

Bank positions new generation of lenders for success with streamlined processes, enhanced transparency

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Women in Tech: An Interview with April Wolfe

Jobs in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields have grown faster than the overall growth of employment in the U.S. Since 1990, overall employment has grown 34 percent while STEM jobs have grown 79 percent, according to data from Pew Research Center.

Research by The National Center for Women & Information Technology shows that, as of 2018, 57 percent of professional occupations are held by women, but only 26 percent of the 17.3 million people working in these fields are women. Needless to say, women in tech are the minority. I had the opportunity to chat with April Wolfe, a member of our Install team at Teslar to talk a little bit about what it’s like to be a woman working in the technology field.

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When Devices Become Burdens

There are two types of relationships with technology: digital immigrants and digital natives. Digital immigrants are those who have integrated into technology and did not grow up with it, like today’s older generations. Digital natives are younger people, mostly children and adolescents, who were born into technology. As digital natives are entering adulthood, we’re seeing a shift in the “American Dream.” Young people are becoming more and more detached from tradition. Less people are getting married, buying homes, having children, attending church, or joining political parties, among other things.

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Six Indicators of a Possible Recession

We’re getting a lot of mixed messages about a coming recession. On one hand, the Gross Domestic Product is higher than expected and the unemployment rate is at a historic low. We’ve been seeing a lot of economic growth that suggests we’re headed in the right direction. But on the other hand, many experts suggest we are at risk for a recession. 

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Armor Bank Selects Teslar Software

Armor Bank Selects Teslar Software to Support Significant Growth

 Bank chooses advanced platform to streamline and improve commercial lending process

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The Middle Class is Being Left Behind

“Fintech” is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “computer programs and other technology used to support or enable banking and financial services.” This takes shape in a broad array of products and services.

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The Growth Potential in Small Business Lending

Traditional thinking says that the risk banks make lending to small companies rarely outweighs the profits. Recent relationships between the small business community and fintech startups are causing lenders to reevaluate this line of thought.

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We Love Teslar

Teslar Software works to build a relationship, a love story if you will, by partnering with community financial institutions to create highly efficient banks. Why do our customers love Teslar? Here’s what just a few of our amazing customers have to say about Teslar.

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